Thursday 29 April 9:00 am - Monday 3 May 6:00 pm
Spring time, early May 2021, a good time to make fresh work and or examine current and ongoing fiction work.
Join Costa Book of the Year, 2020 winner, Monique Roffey in a ‘hot house’ workshop over four days at the Exeter Custom House. Mornings we will be sitting together in a round table open surgery, giving and receiving constructive feedback on work-in-progress. Afternoons will be given over to walks and talks on the subject of exploration. Evenings we will be reading to each other. This intensive course is open to experienced and emerging writers preparing a manuscript for publication or wanting feedback on ongoing creative work. It will be an 11 person bubble of creativity and excellence over a short time, the first May bank holiday of 2021.
Booking a place on this course will allow you access to the full range of activities across the four days, including an invitation to be in the socially distanced audience at a reading given by Monique on Friday 30th April at the Custom House. You will also be invited to read alongside Monique at a Quay Voices event on Monday 3rd May.
This course is for emerging and established writers who are preparing their work for publication. As places are limited, there will be a selection process in place before booking links are made available.
If you are interested in taking part in this course, please submit an expression of interest, which should include:
-A 3,000 word sample of your current work-in-progress
-A 200 word statement outlining why you think the course would be of particular benefit to your writing journey. Please note that, as below, we intend this course to take place at Exeter Custom House if Covid restrictions allow.
The above should be emailed to no later than 5 pm on 31st March. Your submission will then be reviewed by a panel of Literature Works staff and you will be notified if you have been allocated a place by Wednesday 14th April, at which point you will be invited to book a place.
Costs, include all four days:
£150 full price
£50 concessions. You can read more about our concessionary categories here.
We have a limited number of bursary places available for this course. Bursary places are by application only (to They are awarded on the basis of financial need not writing ability. You can find out more about how to apply, here.
We particularly welcome expressions of interest from Black and Minority Ethnic writers who are currently underrepresented in our writer development programme.
PLEASE NOTE: We intend this course to take place at Exeter Custom House, Coronavirus restrictions allowing. We will be following Government guidance to ensure the experience is Covid-19 secure. Social distancing measures will be in place, including a two metre distancing rule, provision of hand sanitiser and a clearly marked one-way system. Exeter Custom House requires that face coverings are worn when inside the building. Places are restricted to 10 and writers.
If it is not possible to go ahead in person due to ongoing restrictions, we will be ready to offer this course online, using a diverse range of platforms to make the experience as interactive as possible.