Saturday 17 July 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm

Come and join PaddleBoat for a 60 minute post-show workshop and decide what our next woodland adventure should be!What new mysteries will we find if we follow the estuary? What treasures lie on the riverbed? And what monsters might lurk nearby?

Using puppetry, song, props and physical storytelling, you will learn how to bring your own adventures to life. With the beautiful quayside setting as our backdrop, we’ll draw inspiration from what kind of stories started here and the journeys that took place along this river.

Photo: Pete Norris.
PLEASE NOTE: This workshop is intended for children who have attended Paddleboat’s performance of ‘Rustle’ earlier in the day. We will be monitoring bookings to ensure that places are allocated only to those who have booked to come to the performance. The workshop is free, but as we continue to monitor Covid-19 guidance, places are limited to 12 children (parents or guardians may accompany, you will be asked to confirm how many adults are accompanying each child on booking).

This workshop takes place in the Transit Shed on Exeter Quay.